Thursday 5 March 2009

Day 33: Forms and more forms, insurance and passport photos...

I now have two new constant companions. Diary 2007 is for my blog notes and Diary 2008 is for lists.

Apart from the occasional wag who just has to ask if I know I’m writing in a 2007/8 diary, I am finding these are the best tools for the job.

Lucky I have a big bag to cart them around and broad shoulders!

I electronically send off my 10% deposit to show my commitment as the application form is taking longer to complete than I thought.

I have to include a recent passport type photo so have had to wait until today before I could have a hair-cut. I want to look as best I can in this unsmiling pose. Despite my best efforts, I look tired and cross. Oh well, once they see me in person, they’ll know how much the camera lies!

I have to say how fit I am. That’s a tricky one to answer. I sit at my desk all day working at a computer. I don’t go to a gym. I weigh more than I should for my height and age. I’m probably really unfit.

But I do walk just over a mile to and from work rather than get Park and Ride. I do gardening. Does that make me fit? Possibly not.

On the form I say I’m averagely fit, then cross it out and change it to just under average! Mental note to self – need to start an exercise regime: get the bike out and start training after work and weekends...and DIET!

I have one of these “free” annual travel insurance policies the bank gives as an incentive to keep customer loyalty but I am persuaded that due to the nature of this trip I really should consider using their specialist insurance.

I briefly think about it - I recall a previous experience involving a sharp knife and an attempt at grafting a cherry branch to another cherry tree and feel sick thinking about my poor scarred finger. As I’m likely to be using a machete whilst clearing vegetation, I decide to pay the premium.

They may not like it that I have a dodgy knee and occasional back pain but I expect they’ll up the premium if they need to!


  1. Hope you have a great time. I will look forward to seeing your pictures as you travel and in return I will send the cricket report. Bev

  2. Have a great time, enjoy every minute will be thinking of you - keep safe my friend xxxx Lyn xxx

  3. Enjoy your trip Sue. Will miss you while you're away but look forward to your return with your tales and pictures. Take good care but most of all..... ENJOY!! Val M.
