Tuesday 30 June 2009

Day 17: Adios Jatun Sacha...updated

My last day. I sleep well but wake at 2 am by the cockerells (spelling?) which have been the bane of Sams time here. He has permission from Cesare to finish off the old ones, but not the new, expensive ones. Sams not sure which ones are which short of tracking them during the night to see which ones make the crowing and Im sure he wont do that (sorry about the absence of apostrophes - this keyboard in Guayacuil is all about face and I dont have time to work it out - Im in transit - didnt know we were coming home via here!)

I digress...
I get up at 6 am and write more of my journal before the others get up though the secret zipper is awake before me. As its my last day, I dont care any more.

Cesare is much better after his early night which is just as well as he is going into town with all the staff on a "Jolly" for the day. I hope he gets back before I leave at 7 pm.

My last breakfast is gruel because the new lady in the kitchen miscalculated the amount of porridge she should cook and I get the watered down version.

Obviously time to go.

I start collating my stuff ready to pack at any free moment during the day.

I do more bird watching, this time time with Jesse and Rita from Switzerland whos been away this whole time on a cruise. We go up to the Miconia level. Jesse is actually quite good at keeping quiet during this stalk. After his first day when he chased the chickens up the path, I had feared we would have problems with his ability to keep his excitement under control. We dont see as many birds as yesterday. Rita is the official photograph taker as I no longer can provide this service.

We get caught in a rain storm on the way down and although all of us except Jesse have rain jackets, we are still quite wet before we can put them on.

I start to pack before lunch and leave a few bits and pieces for folk so I can cut down on weight, including two of the precious zip-lock bags for Marten.

During siesta, I realise I havent washed the caked mud of my hiking boots so spend most of an hour doing that. The yellow warbler flits in and out and I watch him search for food while I scrub away the dirt. I'm sad this is the last time I'll see him.

My green cargo pants arent in my returned laundry and eventually I find them in the laundry.

Steph wants us to do team building after siesta which means football on the pitch at the bar. She wants me to play and even though I refuse on account of my knee etc etc I am peer pressured to join in. Although I cant be sure I think she wants to use me as an example of "If Sue can do it, everyone can!"

Ive never played football in my life and its tough. I stop several goals even though I am not in goal by first using my hand, then my head, right shin and then thigh. It really hurts! I dont know how people can play this game for fun.

The boys are respectful, even though everyone cant help killing themselves with laughter at my attempts but hey, my team wins! Im not proud!

I am shattered afterwards and return to the New House soon after 4 to finish packing. If I dont get clobbered for excess baggage with all that coffee Ill be amazed. I finish with 30 minutes to spare.

Jesse and Marten are the perfect gentlemen and offer to take my bags to the kitchen for me (the central meeting place, if you havent gathered this by now) and I walk away from the New House for the last time.

Im feeling quite sad to be leaving and hope I dont cry.

When Lucia (I don't know how to spell her name) the older lady from the kitchen brings out a cake that she's baked because I'm leaving, of course I cry. She gives me such a big hug.

I've barely eaten my last mouthful and the taxi arrives with Miguel in it. He's been on holiday since Friday so I thought I wouldn't see him again. But it's time for me to leave.

It's hugs all round, except from Jesse who does a "young persons" hand farewell greeting with me - I just kind of followed his lead...sort of...

...then I'm on my way.

The taxi driver doesn't speak English of course and his only words during the whole journey of "Adios Jatun Sacha" are the most appropriate title for this post.

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