Sunday 22 February 2009

Day 21: Epiphany!

I’m beginning to panic. My boss has given me permission to take a month’s holiday but it really needs to be during our “quiet” time – before the school summer holidays. If I don’t book something soon, I’ll miss the window.

Then an email from drops into my inbox and within it lies the solution –

I’m interested in the trip where volunteers can work for a minimum of two weeks then have an 8-day island hopping boat trip as an optional extra. With a couple of days in Quito at each end, I would be away for almost a month.


Much cheaper proportionally than the standard cruises.

Even better!

There has to be a catch.

There is!

1) I will be working an 8-hour day, 5 days on, 2 days off (this is supposed to be a holiday?);

2) I have to walk a “long” way to get to my daily place of work (I have a “bad" knee and weak back);

3) I would more likely be clearing brambles or helping in constructing a building rather than counting turtle eggs (see my excuse for 2) above!);

4) I would be working in an average temperature of 23 degrees Celsius (I am an English rose– I don’t “do” heat);

5) There is limited electricity (wot no hairdryers?);

6) There is no clean, running water (but there will be a shower, won’t there?);

7) Accommodation is shared and “rustic” (is this an anachronism for sharing a tent?);

8) I need to be relatively fit (see response for 2) above);

9) It’s a long way to the nearest hospital or dentist (see response for 2) above);

10) I have a sleep disorder (but don’t tell anyone!) – I snore very loudly and have sleep apnoea but despite now wearing a mandibular advancement device (MAD) which apparently has reduced the decibel level, I still worry everybody within a 20 metre radius will want to kill me after the first night due to sleep deprivation.

I just don't know what to do!

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